The 1822 Society
The 1822 Society is the Pontifical Mission Societies’ most distinguished fellowship. Those who are part of the 1822 Society are exemplars of the response to the Great Commission – reviving the missionary ardor of Christian communities and individual faithful through missions around the world, now present in 1,100 dioceses across Asia, Africa, the Pacific Islands, and in remote regions of Latin America. Membership in the 1822 Society acknowledges The Pontifical Mission Societies’ most generous benefactors—individuals, families, corporations, foundations and organizations that have contributed $100,000 or more to the missions.
Through their faith and giving, society members provide support for pastoral and evangelistic programs, catechists and catechetical work, the building of new churches, health care, education, communication and transport needs, formation of seminarians and women religious, and educational programs to connect children in the United States to children just coming to know the love of Jesus Christ.
On behalf of the Holy Father, The Pontifical Mission Societies are deeply grateful to the 1822 Society members for their remarkable generosity.