In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, there are individuals who dedicate their lives to serving others, spreading the Gospel’s message of love and hope. Sister Genevieve, hailing from Myanmar, is one such extraordinary person. As she prepares to make her perpetual vows on May 20th, it is a time for us to come together and pray for her and the hundreds of vocations to religious life flourishing in more than 1,100 mission territories.
A Life Transformed by Missionary Animation:
Sister Genevieve’s journey began as a young girl when she began to experience a profound desire to become a religious sister. Witnessing the dedication and selflessness of these women in serving others and sharing their lives with the Church inspired her deeply.
After exploring different religious orders, she was drawn to the Missionary Handmaids Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, founded by Mother Caterina Zecchini in 1923. This year marks the centenary of the institute’s foundation, making it an even more significant time for prayer and support for Sister Genevieve and the members of this institute, present in Italy, Myanmar, the Philipines, Indonesia and Colombia.
Embracing Challenges for Spiritual Growth:
Leaving her home country was not an easy decision for Sister Genevieve. The initial hurdle of learning English to undergo formation in the Philippines was followed by the current need to learn Italian to complete her preparation and receive her perpetual vows in Rome. Despite these challenges, her dedication and willingness to grow spiritually have allowed her to flourish.
Nurturing the Church in Myanmar:
Sister Genevieve’s love for her home country shines through as she speaks about Myanmar’s small yet vibrant Catholic community. In the diocese of Loikaw, where she hails from, numerous Catholics actively engage in catechesis, the sacraments, and various activities catering to young people and married couples. By nurturing the faith and fostering a sense of community, they spread Christ’s light within their local context.
A Call to Prayer for the Church in Mission Territories:
Sister Genevieve emphasizes the urgent need for prayers for the Church in 1,100 mission territories worldwide. Many people in these regions have yet to hear the good news of Christ’s message. By coming together in prayer, we can offer our support and intercession for the missionaries working tirelessly to spread God’s love and build flourishing Christian communities.
Let us remember these courageous men and women in our prayers, uplifting their spirits and providing them strength in their mission.
Praying for Peace: A Path to a Better World
Sister Genevieve reminds us that peace begins in the hearts of individuals: “We need to pray for peace in the world, in the Church, in the family, and in every heart, because many times war begins because of the lack of peace in the heart of one… to build peace, we need to start with our own hearts.”
Supporting Sister Genevieve’s Perpetual Vows:
On May 20th, Sister Genevieve, accompanied by two other sisters, will be making her perpetual vows—a momentous occasion where they offer their lives entirely and definitively to God.
As Sister Genevieve’s family faces difficulties traveling to Rome due to the ongoing situation in Myanmar, we have a significant role to play: This week, let us unite in prayer, supporting and uplifting her and other religious as they prepare for the momentous occasion of professing their perpetual vows (meet them at the bottom!).
How You Can Help
You can help Sister Genevive and the missionary Church in many ways. Here are a few ideas:
- Pray for Sister Genevive and the Church in mission territories.
- Offer material support for religious vocations.
- Talk to your parish’s priest or deacon about the importance of praying for mission territories.
- Share this blog post with your friends and family.
Together, we can make a difference in the Church in mission territories. Thank you for your support!