During their meeting, the papal-appointed directors of more than 20 countries reflected on the situation throughout North, Central, and South America, expressing particular concern for the ongoing crisis in Haiti.
The continental assembly of the Pontifical Mission Societies of America, meeting in Puerto Rico from February 6 to 11, with participants from more than twenty countries, wants to unite with the people of Haiti, who are currently suffering from a great social crisis and also denounce the climate of violence and insecurity, poverty and misery of all kinds that it engenders.
We pray in solidarity with Haiti and hope against all hope for solutions of justice and a future of peace, united with the bishops, priests and numerous missionaries who work for evangelization and the construction of the Kingdom of God in that country.
The time has come to put an end to the chaos and save this people with the commitment of all men and women of goodwill and the collective will of those in power.
We pray and hope for the construction of a more just and humane world, which reduces all inequalities to encourage love of neighbor and promote commitment to solidarity.
Finally, our commitment here on earth is to support the irreducible dimension of the human being and respect his dignity: the human being must be the end and at the center of all politics and all economic projects. For everything human is transcendent and important in the eyes of its Creator.
May God bless the Haitian people. May Our Lady of Perpetual Help, whom we also invoke under the name of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas, aid the people of Haiti.
The Pontifical Mission Societies USA is a 501(c)3 organization that helps provide financial and spiritual support to 1,150 dioceses around the world, in places where the Catholic Church is too young or too poor to sustain itself. It has decades of experience working with missionaries throughout the world, helping those in need. For more information visit www.pontificalmissions.org and follow The Pontifical Mission Societies USA on social media at Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.