As we reflect on this past World Mission Sunday, we are reminded of the Church’s call to missionary discipleship and the important role each of us plays in spreading the Gospel. Immediately following, National Estate Planning Awareness Week (October 21-27) offers a timely opportunity for Catholics to reflect on safeguarding their loved ones, stewarding the gifts God has entrusted to them, and creating a lasting legacy that supports the Church’s mission.
Just as World Mission Sunday reminds us of our shared responsibility to support the Church’s evangelizing work and to live out our call to missionary discipleship, National Estate Planning Week reminds us to ensure our resources continue to serve both our families and the global Church.
May I ask you to reflect on and discern the following questions?
Why should I consider estate planning?
Estate planning helps protect your family while making sure your final wishes reflect your Catholic values. It’s also an opportunity to practice good stewardship by supporting the Church’s missionary efforts through The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. By including the Society in your plans, you ensure the spread of the Gospel continues for future generations.
How can I get started?
If you haven’t executed a will, you are not alone. Nearly half of Americans do not have a will. The result of not having a will? Uncertainty and legal complications for your family and loved ones.
To help our friends in mission, we’ve partnered with FreeWill, a simple and free online tool that allows you to create a will in the privacy of your home. FreeWill also provides the option to create an advanced medical directive, ensuring your end-of-life decisions are aligned with Catholic teachings and respect for the dignity of life. Through FreeWill’s charitable giving feature, you can include a planned gift to support the Pope’s missions.
Is having a will enough?
It’s important to remember that estate planning should go beyond just creating a will. Be sure to update the beneficiary designations of retirement funds, insurance policies, and other financial accounts. By naming The Society for the Propagation of the Faith as a beneficiary, alongside your family, you can continue to support the Church’s mission while providing for your loved ones. Importantly, naming the Propagation of the Faith, a charitable organization, as beneficiary can help your family avoid income taxes, reduce estate taxes, and avoid capital gains.
What should I keep in mind after creating an estate plan?
Remember to review your plan regularly to ensure it reflects any important life changes, such as the birth or adoption of a child, marriage, or retirement. You can update your plans anytime through FreeWill, ensuring your legacy continues to support the Church’s mission.
Whom do I notify?
You may want to inform close family members when you create or update your will, along with your executor, financial advisor, and/or attorney. We at The Society for the Propagation of the Faith would be grateful if you would share any charitable designations so that we may honor you through our Venerable Fulton Sheen Society. This special recognition celebrates individuals whose generosity ensures that the Church’s global mission will continue to thrive, bringing hope and love to the world’s most vulnerable.
Venerable Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies from 1950 to 1966
As we contemplate the great gift of life and the blessings God has bestowed upon us, we are reminded that everything we have is entrusted to us for a time. By planning well for the future, we can reflect the love and compassion of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In naming the missions in your will, you become a missionary disciple, continuing to bring the light of Christ to others even after you have returned to our Father’s house. May the legacy you leave be one that glorifies God and brings blessings to His people, both now and forever.
In Christ,
Fr. Anthony Andreassi, C.O., Ph.D.
National Director, The Society for the Propagation of the Faith