Have you ever gone to Mass “way too early,” because you wanted to secure a seat for what you knew was going to be a “long” liturgy? Or to make sure you found a parking spot?”
At The Pontifical Mission Societies U.S., we are inspired by the legacy of Venerable Fulton Sheen who once said: “True generosity never looks to reciprocity; it gives neither because it expects a gift in return, nor because there is a duty or obligation to give.” In the spirit of this wisdom, consider how you can create a lasting impact through a gift in your Will, shaping the future of our Church and its missions.
Today, the Vatican released Pope Francis's message for World Mission Sunday 2024. In the text, the Pope reflects on the Gospel parable of the Wedding Banquet, where the king tells his servants “Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find”.