World Mission
Sunday 2024

World Mission
Sunday 2024

 “Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet”

Are you ready to be a part of World Mission Sunday 2024?

 “Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet”

Are you ready to be a part of World Mission Sunday 2024?

Poster World Mission Sunday 2024 - Mass - Curves - 22,58in x 17,

The Host of the Banquet: Pope Francis!

Instituted in 1926 by Pope Pius XI as a mandatory, global second collection, the banquet that is World Mission Sunday has since then been hosted by the Pope, and the table set by those who answer Christ’s call to “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19), extending an inclusive invitation to all corners of the Earth.

Meant to be held in every parish in the world, the proceeds benefit 1,150 territories where the Gospel has not yet been received, has been only recently embraced, or is courageously upheld in the face of persecution.

The Host of the Banquet: Pope Francis!

Instituted in 1926 by Pope Pius XI as a mandatory, global second collection, the banquet that is World Mission Sunday has since then been hosted by the Pope, and the table set by those who answer Christ’s call to “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19), extending an inclusive invitation to all corners of the Earth.

Meant to be held in every parish in the world, the proceeds benefit 1,150 territories where the Gospel has not yet been received, has been only recently embraced, or is courageously upheld in the face of persecution.

Become a Volunteer for the Banquet this World Mission Sunday 2024

Are you ready to make a difference? Sign up to be a volunteer for World Mission Sunday and help spread the message of God’s love. As a volunteer, your primary role will be to pray for the missions and to invite others to learn more about the Church’s missionary work. Your participation can inspire others and bring hope to communities in need!

Become a Volunteer for the Banquet this World Mission Sunday 2024

Are you ready to make a difference? Sign up to be a volunteer for World Mission Sunday and help spread the message of God’s love. As a volunteer, your primary role will be to pray for the missions and to invite others to learn more about the Church’s missionary work. Your participation can inspire others and bring hope to communities in need!

Get your parish involved!

If you are a priest, a deacon, a staff member at a parish- or a very active lay member of the community!- you might find these assets to be useful. Please, download and share these “Homily Helps” accordingly, to ensure that every church in the United States, no matter how small or big, prays for the missions throughout the month of October!

Homily Helps includes:

1. Suggested homilies for each Sunday of October

2. Parish announcement for each Sunday of October

3. Bulletin announcements for each Sunday of October

4. Prayer of the Faithful for each Sunday of October

Download the Homily Helps!

(Available in Spanish)

Get your parish involved!

If you are a priest, a deacon, a staff member at a parish- or a very active lay member of the community!- you might find these assets to be useful. Please, download and share them accordingly, to ensure that every church in the United States, no matter how small or big, prays for the missions throughout the month of October!

1. Suggested homilies for each Sunday of October

2. Parish announcement for each Sunday of October

3. Bulletin announcements for each Sunday of October

4. Prayer of the Faithful for each Sunday of October

5. Homily Helps

Download the Homily Helps!

(Available in Spanish)